World Around Songs
Pocket Songbooks For All Occasions ~ For almost 100 years!
American & International Folk songs ~ Contemporary Songs ~ Humorous Songs ~Work Songs
Carols ~ Rounds ~ Spirituals ~ Hymns ~ Canons
Welcome to World Around Songs!
We began as the Cooperative Recreation Service in the 1930's, collecting folk songs, dances, and games from all over the world into our handy little pocket-sized books. We have been pioneers in the development of the folk revival and the popularization of the recreation movement world wide. Our booklets have been used extensively by folk societies, camps, music educators, and anyone who loves to sing. We invite you to explore our fascinating collection of pocket-sized booklets - a perfect fit in your back pocket or instrument case.

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Chansons de Notre Chalet
W-CDNC .....$10.00
82 Pages, 196 Songs
A Ram Sam Sam
Abide with Us
Above a Plain
A-jogging Along
All Creatures
All Night, All day
Alleluia (Mozart)
Allelujah, Amen
Allelujah, louanges a Dieu
Au bord de la Riviere
Back of the Loaf
Beauty Around Us
Bell Yodel
Bella Bimba
Benedicite de Chalet
Bon Appetit
Bon Soir
Call of the Pasture
Canoe Round
Certn'ly Lord
C'est la cloche
C'est si simple d'aimer
Chalet Grace
Chairs to Mend
Cherry Trees
Cockles and Mussels
Dag er endt
Dagen dor
Dagen randt
Danket dem Herrn
Day Fades Away
Day Is Done
Deep in the Woodland
Der Mond ist aufgegangen
Die Abendglocken
Die Sonne sinkt
Dieu a cree
Dona Nobis Pacem
Durch die Nacht
Echo Yodel
Ecoute la priere
Ego Sum Pauper
Ein stattliches Haus
E'la sera
Es Burebuebli
Evening Star
French Cathedrals
Friendship's Way
From the Sun's Rising
Fur diesen Tag
Gently Let Evening's Peace
God Has Created
God schonk
Goenacht (kanon)
Good Morning to You
Gott, behute dieses Hus
Gott liess den Morgen
Hava nagilah
Herr, bleibe bei uns
Herr, wenn wir essen
Hey, Ho! Nobody Home
Hiking Song
Himmel og Jord
Himmel und Erde
Hiney Mah Tov
Holla Hi
I Said I Would Take Heed
I sommarens soliga dag'ar
I Tied My Posies
Ilta saa
Im Fruhtau zu Berge
Iona Gloria
Ira Congo
J'ai lie ma botte
Jacob's Ladder
Joy on the Gates
Jubilate Deo
Kein schoner Land
Kum Ba Yah
La chere maison
La Mesa Esta Servida Ya
La villanella
Land of Silver Birch
L'appel du Patre
Le soir descend
Les Clartes de la Nuit
Let's Be Beginning
Let's Have a Peal
Life's Journey
Linstead Market
L'inverno e passato
Little Johnny england
Lonesome Valley
Lovely Evening
Lu La Le
Lueget vo Bergen
Lulla, Lulla, Lullaby
Lullaby Round
Mairi's Wedding Song
Make New Friends
Merci, Seigneur
Mil-ha bi-lou
Mir Senne hei's lustig
Morning, Evening
Morning Prayer
Music Shall Live
My Lord's A-writing
Night Is Come
Night Watchman
No Farmer Boy
No Lovelier Countryside
Nous l'avons batie
Now All Woods Sleeping
Now Come All
O du stille Zeit
O Give Thanks
Ol' Texas
One Man Shall Mow
One World
Our Cabana Song
Our Chalet Song
Owl in the Elm
Peace of the River
Planting Rice
Pour la beaute
Pour la joie
Prayer for Africa
Railroad Corral
Rally Song
Rise Up, O Flame
Ronde de Printemps
Route d'amitie
Shalom Chaverim
Si nous avons
Si toutes les filles
Sila Masoko
Silver and Gold
Silvery Star
Sing and Rejoice
Sing Together
Slumber, Slumber
Sponge Fishing
Spring Song
Summer Hiking Song
Suze Naanje
Swan Sings
Sweet Rest
Sweet the Evening Air
Swinging Along
Tallis' Canon
Tell Me Why
Tina Singu
Turn Ye to Me
Unser Leben
Va de l'avant
Valamo Bells
Vent Frais
Vi ga
Viva la Musica
Vom Aufgang der Sonne
Walk, Shepherdess
Wayfarer's Grace
Wees Welkom
Western Moon
White Coral Bells
Will Ye No Come
Wind in the Willows
Winter Is Over