World Around Songs
Pocket Songbooks For All Occasions ~ For almost 100 years!
American & International Folk songs ~ Contemporary Songs ~ Humorous Songs ~Work Songs
Carols ~ Rounds ~ Spirituals ~ Hymns ~ Canons
Welcome to World Around Songs!
We began as the Cooperative Recreation Service in the 1930's, collecting folk songs, dances, and games from all over the world into our handy little pocket-sized books. We have been pioneers in the development of the folk revival and the popularization of the recreation movement world wide. Our booklets have been used extensively by folk societies, camps, music educators, and anyone who loves to sing. We invite you to explore our fascinating collection of pocket-sized booklets - a perfect fit in your back pocket or instrument case.
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Happy Days
24 pages, 37 songs.
Apple Cheeked Rider
Band of Brothers
Band Played On
Bed is Too Small
Bon Soir, Bon Soir
Campers, The Shadows
Caravan Song
Come, Come, Ye Saints
Di Matztown Cornet Band
Drink to Me Only
Duke of York
Glorious Apollo
Good Night, Ladies
Goose Round
Greeting Song
Happy Days
In a Cottage in a Wood
Iroquois Rain Dance
Land We Call Home
Let the Joyful Music Out
Levee Song
Man With a Wry Nose
Mugsi, Mugsi
My Beloved Laddie, Nicky
Passing By
Pow Wow
Puffer Billies
Sandy's Mill
Starlight, Starbright
Thou Poor Bird
Watermelon Song