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Come Near My Love

Bruce Greene and Loy McWhirter

This is a collection of thirteen unaccompanied, mostly Southern, songs and ballads. Bruce Greene and Loy McWhirter have been absorbing songs since early childhood. They do not read notes and so learn by ear and word of mouth. When they met in 1975, they started learning each other’s songs and singing together acapella harmony. It has been said that all they have inside their heads are songwords, melodies, and fiddle tunes, which may well be true. Be that as it may, this is a collection of some of their favorite traditional and not-so-traditional songs and ballads, sung the old way without accompaniment.


Song List
Come Near My Love - Omie Wise - Moonshiner - O, Lily-O - Keys To The Kingdom - Lady Margaret - O, Death - As I Walked Out - No Fooling - Let Me Be Your Satellite - Rocket Man - Witch of Usher’s Well - Vance No More

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